What should I do if the lights on my mechanical keyboard are not working?
If the backlight of a mechanical keyboard is not working, you can follow the steps below to troubleshoot and repair:

Check the connection: First, check if the keyboard is connected properly to the computer to ensure a stable connection.

Check the settings: Check the keyboard backlight settings to confirm if the backlight switch is turned on or adjust the brightness.

Replace USB port: If the connection is normal, try replacing the USB port of the keyboard, or connect the keyboard to another computer to test if it works properly.

Restart the computer: Sometimes, restarting the computer can solve the problem of the keyboard backlight not working.

Check the keyboard PCB: If none of the above methods can solve the problem, you can disassemble the keyboard to check if there are any loose connections or damaged components on the PCB, and repair them with professional tools.

It is important to note that before performing any repair operation, one should understand the relevant safety knowledge and operating techniques to avoid causing more damage to the device. If you are unsure of your capabilities, it is recommended to seek professional help.

Contact us for sharing more information about the mechanical keyboards: 
Attn: Augus Luo
Email: augus@syu-tech.com
Mobile / Wechat/ WhatsApp: +86 181 8883 5033

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